wasted time. But so often our rushing just runs us in circles; we run without true purpose and direction and we soon find that our strength alone is not enough. God has a different view of waiting. Waiting is a time we tune our spirit into God’s Spirit. Waiting is a time we reflect on Christ’s love and listen to his still small voice in our hearts. Like a tree growing steadily from sunlight and soil as its roots dig deeper and its trunk grows stronger, waiting on God in the Bible is one of the secrets of strength. Discover the true source of life--take time to open your life to God's power and love!
(Verse of the week)
“They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary,
they shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40.31)
(Prayer of the week)
Almighty and Loving God, thank you for the privilege of opening my heart and life to your love and power. Help me to discover anew your love and learn to trust you for strength. Fill me with your hope and peace and joy, and may I touch others with your love. Amen.
Have a great week!—Pastor TJ
(quote of the week)
"No God, no peace - know God, know peace."
And, "Nothing is beyond the reach of prayer" by Pope John XXIII.
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