Growing Hope Globally
Harvest Celebration
Harvest Celebration
Immanuel members donate cash to buy supplies to plant corn or soy beans on 10 acres of land donated by a member who is a farmer. In the fall, after a harvest festival of Hobo stew, the crop is sold to fund agricultural development programs around the world. We fund education, community development, agricultural revitalization and provide other services to native peoples faced with a changing ecology and unchanging poverty. In the past, supported projects have been supported in the Gran Chaco area of Bolivia and Paraguay in South America.
2022 Growing Hope Globally Project Update Thank you for your generous donation to Growing Hope Globally. We are grateful that you have joined us in growing lasting solutions to hunger. For more the 20 years we have worked alongside partners, helping people around the world to improve their incomes and food security. Your gift means even more people will experience the dignity and hope of providing for themselves! Growing Hope Globally would like to thank Immanuel for our donation of $15,672.55. Our growing project for 2022 was Nicaragua Carazo Diriamba. These can all be found by going to the GHG website: and then click on the tab at the top "Support a Program". |