Immanuel supports missions and ministries to show the love of Christ in a tangible way by making a difference in the lives of those in need spiritually, emotionally, physically and socially. Whether it is tutoring youth in our neighborhood, serving a community dinner, helping the homeless, quilting a blanket for a newborn baby, sharing the love of Christ to someone in the hospital, or planting a crop that supports a project in a third world country half way around the world, the aim is the same --to show live out the love of Christ. To this end, Immanuel members lead or volunteer in many exciting missions and ministries and also give through special offerings throughout the year that support many local, regional, national, and world-wide missions and ministries.
LUM Christmas Jubilee
Habitat for Humanity
Church Women United Food Pantry
Community Missions & Projects include Habitat for Humanity, Lafayette Urban Ministry (LUM), Pastor's Discretionary Fund helping families in need, Cary Home and Cary Home Christmas Project, Lafayette Transitional Housing, Church Women United Food Pantry.
Pancake Brunch
benefiting Emmaus House. Fish Fry
to Support OCWM |
Growing Hope Globally
Regional and Global Missions include Growing Hope Globally, Our Church's Wider Missions (OCWM), One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS), Church World Service Blanket Fund, Church World Service, CUE Seminaries, Sri Lanka Mission Project, IKC Youth Ambassador Program, Heifer Project, Mental Health America, Pancake Breakfast benefiting Emmaus Homes, Salvation Army, Strengthening the Church, Veterans of the Cross, and other worthy missions and ministries to help those in need.