Welcome! Hospitality Counter open before & after services every Sunday
What's Happening @Immanuel?
Sunday Worship Services:
Contemporary Service 8:30am Sunday School 9:45am Traditional Service 10:45am Everyone Welcome! IN-PERSON & ONLINE Click Logo Below |
GROW-Want to dig deeper throughout the week? We invite you to GROW by getting involved in Christian education, small groups, or reading a devotional. Check out the devotional resources and Pastor TJ's devotional blog and podcasts.
SERVE-our Church, our Community, and our World through a host of missions, music or numerous other avenues.
SERMON SERIES: DISCOVERING JESUS Join us as we discover Jesus anew in the Gospel of John, the most personal of all the Gospels.
JAN 12 Discovering Jesus--Living Word (John 1:1-18) JAN 19 Discovering Jesus-Chosen One (John 1:29-34) JAN 26 Discovering Jesus-Come and See (John 1:35-51) FEB 2 Discovering Jesus-The Miracle at the Wedding (John 2:1-12) EVERYONE WELCOME!! (Services are broadcast live on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter and remain posted. Previous messages at under Listen to Sermon tab or available on i-tunes or YouTube RECENT SERMONS
Contemporary Worship
Traditional Worship
See What's Happening at Immanuel
on Social Media SUNDAY SERVICES ONLINE on Facebook, YouTube & Twitter Sunday Worship Services Contemporary Service 8:30am Coffee & Conversation 9:30am Sunday School & Adult Ed 9:45am Traditional Service 10:45am (Click Logo to go to Immanuel Facebook Page (you do not need to be a Facebook member to view) LIVE and PAST WORSHIP SERVICES ALSO ON IMMANUEL YOUTUBE CHANNEL (Click YouTube Logo below to go to Immanuel YouTube Channel)
Follow Immanuel on Twitter and also view Live Worship Services
(Click Logo) EVERYONE Welcome!