meets monthly, fourth Tuesday night. Comprised of Elders, Deacons, and Trustees. This is the governing body of Immanuel United Church of Christ. The Elders serve as the Spiritual Council. The Deacons develop the budget and deal with income and expenditures. The Trustees take care of the physical facilitates of the church. Each group meets separately @7 pm before meeting jointly @8 pm on the meeting night. Christian Education Team
meets every other month on the third Tuesday @ 6 pm in the multi-purpose room. This team plans and oversees the educational programs, youth groups, confirmation, and adult education. |
The E-Team (Evangelism)
meets every other month, on the third Tuesday @2:00 pm. This committee encourages and manages activities in the areas of outreach, publicity, needs assessment and membership recruitment and development. Worship and Music Committee
meets on an as needed basis. Their purpose is to coordinate the music program within the church and the worship services, to be a resource for the choir director/organists, and to oversee all choirs and praise bands. |
Other committees include: Activities Committee, Investment Committee, and the Memorial Funds Committee. All these committees meet as needed.