Small Group Bible Studies:
Small groups that usually meet Sunday evenings for about two hours at people's homes for conversation, Bible Study, discussion and supper. This is a great way to make friends and connect: Saturday mornings ladies Bible Study, 9 am at Immanuel - led by Annie Buckles. We meet every other Saturday 9 am @ at Immanuel For questions, contact Annie Buckles 404-7354 Pastor's Bible Study Pastor TJ leads a study and discussion in a book of the Bible or studying a topic. Everyone welcome! Wednesdays @6:30 pm. |
Adult Bible Studies:
Pastor TJ leads a study and discussion in a book of the Bible or studying a topic. Everyone welcome! Wednesdays @6:30 pm. |
Adult Education:
Though these groups meet on Sundays during the Sunday School hour at 9:00 am, each group also provides fellowship throughout the week. The Hobos sponsor projects such as a card ministry to shut-ins, financially support the Baby Quilters, and provide a Lenten meal. The Hobos also have several annual parties including Memorial Day, Hobo Stew, Growing Hope Globally Harvest, and New Year's Eve. The Seekers-Led by Annie Buckles, this discussion group reads popular Christian books and discusses them in a lively and engaging manner. Purdue United Church of Christ Student Fellowship or Koinonia is part of Livin' Life offers opportunities during the Adult Ed Hour as well as fellowship events. |
Monday Morning Coffee