(verse of the week)
“You intended it to harm me, but God intended it for good” (Genesis 50:20, NIV).
Lord help me to trust you through challenge and adversity to bless my life and fulfill your plan for my life. May I dream dreams that honor you and serve others. May I somehow fulfill the destiny you have for me. Help me to accept challenge and adversity as your way of refining me and strengthening me for the task ahead. And may my goals align with your plan and my heart with your heart, through Christ my Lord, amen.
(quote of the week)
“We find everywhere in this world the traces of a revealed God and a hidden God; revealed enough to strengthen our faith, concealed enough to try our faith”-- Philip Schaff
Listen to recent sermons by Dr. TJ Jenney at http://inspiresundaymessages.blogspot.com/